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I made a small Kotlin Multiplatform library that allows formatting relative dates and filesizes. It’s called HumanReadable and it’s available on GitHub:
In the current version, 1.2.0, the following 11 languages are supported: Czech, Dutch, English (default), French, German, Italian, Indonesian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian. The library works with kotlinx-datetime.
🕰️ Relative time
HumanReadable.timeAgo(now - 134.minutes) // "2 hours ago"
HumanReadable.timeAgo(now + 8.minutes) // "in 8 minutes"
⏱️ Duration
HumanReadable.duration(5.seconds) // "5 seconds"
HumanReadable.duration(7.days) // "1 week"
HumanReadable.duration(544.hours) // "3 weeks"
📂 File size
HumanReadable.fileSize(333) // "333 B"
HumanReadable.fileSize(2_048, decimals = 1) // "2.0 kB"
HumanReadable.fileSize(21_947_282_882, decimals = 2) // "20.44 GB"